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Elemental Cold Brew

Cold brew coffee inspired by the elements.


Premium Cold Brew Coffee


Elemental Cold Brew started out as a small family business. Inspired by nature and the four main elements, the Smith family created the perfect coffee after a camping vacation.

With a blend of natural flavors, elemental combines the magic of water, fire, air, and earth into perfect sized cans of cold brew that will keep you energized throughout the day.

Ready to connect yourself with the elements?
Go ahead and grab yourself a four pack and a group of friends and start exploring with Elemental’s rich blend of delicious natural coffee.



The Greeks are credited with the theory that the Universe was comprised of the four basic elements. Empedocles referred to these as “roots,” and proved the existence of air as a separate element.

It was Aristotle who was the first to refer to these components as “elements,” and the diagram to the right depicts his view of dichotomy. Click the link to learn more about the history of the four elements.

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Give your day a natural boost!

Start your morning with a fresh can of our delicious cold brew. Check your local grocery stores for our four-packs which include one of each flavor, or save by subscribing and ordering on our website.

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